Free MP/HP Abuse


Команда форума
Head Moderator
Subscriber: DotA 2
This script drops and picks items when you use items listed below so you refill as much mp\hp as possible
item_soul_ring = true,
item_arcane_boots = true,
item_magic_wand = true,
item_magic_stick = true,
item_guardian_greaves = true,
item_mango = true,
item_cheese = true,
item_mekansm = true,
item_faerie_fire = true
  • Enable - overall toggle
  • Toggle Key - when script is toggled, an indicator will appear saying whether the script is toggled or not
  • HP % Threshold - if health goes below specified %, script will not drop items.
Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
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