Free Back Cast


Команда форума
Head Moderator
Subscriber: DotA 2
The following scripts allows you to cast the abilities listed below without need of turning your hero to the cast direction. Kind of an exploit
Menu location:
Utility -> BackCast
["windrunner_powershot"] = true,
["queenofpain_sonic_wave"] = true,
["pudge_meat_hook"] = true,
["shredder_timber_chain"] = true,
["lina_dragon_slave"] = true,
["mars_spear"] = true,
["keeper_of_the_light_illuminate"] = true,
["lion_impale"] = true,
["nyx_assassin_impale"] = true,
["jakiro_macropyre"] = true,
["jakiro_ice_path"] = true,
["jakiro_dual_breath"] = true,
["death_prophet_carrion_swarm"] = true,
["shadow_demon_shadow_poison"] = true,
["drow_ranger_wave_of_silence"] = true,
["venomancer_venomous_gale"] = true,
["dragon_knight_breathe_fire"] = true,
["earthshaker_fissure"] = true,
["magnataur_shockwave"] = true,
["vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror"] = true,
["rattletrap_hookshot"] = true,
["mirana_arrow"] = true,
["weaver_the_swarm"] = true,
["invoker_deafening_blast"] = true,
["invoker_tornado"] = true,
["puck_illusory_orb"] = true,
["spectre_spectral_dagger"] = true,
["ancient_apparition_ice_blast"] = true,
["troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged"] = true,
["tiny_toss_tree"] = true,
["tinker_march_of_the_machines"] = true,
["elder_titan_earth_splitter"] = true,
["earth_spirit_rolling_boulder"] = true,
["phoenix_icarus_dive"] = true

Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
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Реакции: Anarbekov