Free MiniMap Informer


Команда форума
Head Moderator
Subscriber: DotA 2


In Brief:
  • The script is designed to inform your allies about the enemy position by pinging and drawing on MiniMap.
Features Description:
  • Enabled - to enable\disable the script;
  • Draw JungleMH for Alies - informs your allies about the enemy position when he farms jungle by drawing his position on MiniMap;
  • Ping JungleMH for Alies - informs your allies about the enemy position when he farms jungle by pinging;
  • Draw Roshan For Alies - informs your allies when enemies are Roshing by drawing on MiniMap;
  • Ping Roshan For Alies - informs your allies when enemies are Roshing by pinging on MiniMap;
  • Draw TP For Alies - draws an arrow on MiniMap showing the place from and to where the enemy is TPing;
Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
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