See here to solve some errors you received

1. You need to install Visual C ++ Software (both) x86 and x64
2.And NET Framework

1.Make the settings this way, the problem will definitely be solved.
3.If it is still not working, you need to download the game again.
Multiple cursor problem -
1.Select the theme in the image from the Personalize themes theme
Dota 2 crashing on startup -
1.It has nothing to do with Umbrella, it's related to Dota skins or mode you use.
2.Make sure to perform all the steps in the pictures.
5. Wait for completion, the problem will be solved when completed.
Anti Vac -
1.Close the firewall and any Antivirus programs you use (Defender, Smartscreen and more)
2.You can turn off Program> Settings> Anti Vac, no need to worry, it is very safe.
Camera Not Working
1.Press Home > Settings > Anticheat Bypass > Disable
Lost Connection To Steam or User_account_id -
1.close steam. Go to ~/library/Application support/Steam
2. Rename the folder ex. steam_old
3. open steam, allow it to download itself.
4. once steam opens, go to steam preferences
5. go to downloads > Steam library folders
6. Add your old steam folder as a source.
I'm not from the Umbrella team, I've had some problems myself, and I've found the solution, I wanted to share with you.
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