Very long launching time

the app takes a very very long time to launch dota 2.
I reset my HWID just to make sure if its the issue, since i use VPN. Sadly its still the same. Any good adivse.
Btw, I'm running it on Admin.


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Head Moderator
Subscriber: DotA 2
the app takes a very very long time to launch dota 2.
I reset my HWID just to make sure if its the issue, since i use VPN. Sadly its still the same. Any good adivse.
Btw, I'm running it on Admin.
Is it also long when you lunch without VPN?
I advise to disable firewall if it is enabled. Try switching the cheat server. Set google dns servers.
Download the steam again to solve the problem (Do not delete game files.)
Ensure that all software required for the program is up to date.
.NET Framework and more.
Take a look at this to solve the problem.
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