Free Visage by Svotin


Команда форума
Head Moderator
Subscriber: DotA 2
The script located at: Hero Specific -> Visage

The description:

  • Enable - to enable/disable the script;
  • Combo Key - the key to start performing combo;
  • Use Stun In Combo - enable stun usage while comboing:
    • Attacks Before Stun - amount of attacks Familiar should make before use stun in combo;
  • Target Style - acquisition type:
    • Lock Target - locks the target until you release the combo key;
    • Free Target - allows you to switch between targets when comboing;
  • Draw target particle - draw Tower Agro particle as an indicator;
  • Instant Stun Key - the key to chain stun an enemy with Familiars;
  • Follow Hero - the key to order Familiars to follow your hero;
  • Auto Save Familiars - automatically saves Familiars by planting them;
  • Draw SA Stack Count - draws the amount of the Soul Assumption stacks above the HP bar;
  • Use Dominated Creep - use Dominated creep in combo and in the Follow Hero feature;
  • Combo Items - items to use in combo;
  • Linken's Breaker - items to break Linken Sphere;
Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
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