Free KAIO - all in one script with multiple heroes support!


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Head Moderator
This script supports the following heroes:
  • Anti-mage
  • Arc Warden
  • Beastmaster
  • Bristleback
  • Centaur
  • Chaos Knight
  • Clinkz
  • Doom
  • Dragon Knight
  • Drow Ranger
  • Ember Spirit
  • Enigma
  • Invoker
  • Leshrac
  • LifeStealer
  • Lina
  • Lion
  • Legion Commander
  • Magnus
  • Mars
  • Necrophos
  • Night Stalker
  • Oracle
  • Pudge
  • Riki
  • Rubick
  • Shadow Fiend
  • SkyWrath Mage
  • Slardar
  • Slark
  • TimberSaw
  • Tinker
  • Tiny
  • Tusk
  • Ursa
  • Void Spirit
  • Viper
  • Windranger
  • Wraith King!
  • Wisp(IO)
  • The rest heroes - orbwalking and item usage modules will work for them.
The Description of the General Tab:
  • Enable Script - to enable\disable script;
  • Current Hero - here you'll find settings for the hero you are playing on RIGHT NOW;
    • Enable - to enable\disable script for a certain hero;
    • Combo Key - the key to start comboing;
  • Targeting- target acquisition settings:
    • Style - acquisition type:
      • Locked Target - locks the target until you release the combo key;
      • Free Target - you can switch between targets by moving the cursor to another one;
    • Target Particle- target indication;
      • None - indication disabled;
      • Tower Agro - use Tower Agro indicator;
    • Closest to Mouse Range(100-1500) - target acquisition range;
    • Move to Cursor Pos - your hero will follow the cursor while holding the combo key if there is no target around;
    • Exceptions- conditions under which combo won't work:
      • Heroes with Blademail Effect;
      • Heroes with Lotus Orb Effect;
      • Antimage with Aghanim Scepter;
  • Orb Walker- attack control module:
    • Enable - to enable\disable module;
    • Offset - time\range between steps while moving and attacking;
    • Style- attack control style:
      • Orbwalk to Enemy - walks directly to enemy when attacking;
      • Orbwalk to Mouse - walks to enemy but takes into account your mouse position;
    • Settings- settings for the modules listed above:
      • Minimum Distance - module will start autoattacking without kiting etc when reaches the specified distance;
      • Kiting - strafing while attacking enemy;
      • Keep distance - will keep the specified distance;
      • Orbwalk - choose heroes module will apply to:
        • Only with ranged heroes;
        • With any hero;
      • Hold distance - the distance from your hero to the cursor to start moving with orbwalker;
      • Keep distance - will keep the specified distance;
  • Item usage- items usage module:
    • Offensive Items- the tems to use when comboing;
      • Blink Usage- :
        • Disable - won't use blink in combo
        • Blink to Best\Safe Position - will blink to the enemy keeping the distance you set; (Chose this for Enigma)
        • Blink to Cursor Position - will blink to the cursor position;
      • Blink Safe Distance - set the distance here(if you've chosen Blink to Safe Position);
      • Minimum Distance to Use Blink - the min distance to enemy to use Blink;
    • Linken Breaker Items - the items to beak\pop Linker;
    • Utility Items- the items for non-combo usage:
      • Hand of Midas- auto Midas usage:
        • Minimum Creep BountyXP to Use Midas - minimum XP bounty to midas the creep;
        • NOTICE: you can set it to 0 but the script will still be trying to midas the biggest creep in range;
      • HP Percent Threshold to use Magic Stick\Wand;
      • HP Percent Threshold to use Faerie Fire;
Features description:
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Clone Combo Key - the key for clone comboing;
  • Clone Push Key - the key to start combing ob Tempest(Clone);
  • Minimum Range to Use Travel Boots - minimum distance to an enemy creep to use Travel Boots in push mode;
  • Info Panel- the Info Panel settings:
    • Enable - enable(show) the panel;
    • Movable - if enabled, you can move the panel with arrow keys;
  • Spam Spark Wraith Key - the key to set the spot to spam Sparks there;
  • Double Magnetic Field Mode- DMF mode settings:
    • Enable - enable the mod;
    • Shared Point Radius;
    • Minimum Heroes to use Double Filed;
Info Panel settings:
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Auto Chains After Fist Modifier - auto Chains usage after Fist;
  • Skill Usage - abilities to use in combo:
  • Use refresh - will use refresher in combo;
  • Set Blink Usage in Item Usage tab!
  • Enable - to enable\disable the script;
  • Combo Key - he key to start combing;
  • Auto Precast Skills- precast combo skills settings:
    • Precast Skills w/o bind - automatically precast skills after choosing a combo;
    • Precast Key - the key to precast skill for the selected combo;
  • Skill Interrupt- interrupt channeling spells options:
    • Enable - to enable the feature;
    • Auto Cancel TP in fog - to cancel TP even in the fog of war;
  • Use cataclysm instead of sunstrike;
  • Use Blink - enables Blink usage;
  • Use Items before ;
  • Auto SunStrike- auto SS options:
    • On Stunned Enemies- the options for stunned enemies:
      • Enable - always enabled;
      • Only if lethal;
      • Disable;
    • On TPingEnemies- the options for TPing enemies:
      • Enable - always enabled;
      • Only if Visible & Lethal;
      • Disable;
    • If Rosh is under Attack - casts SS on Rosh pit when enemies are roshing;
  • Combo Panel- the combo panel settings:
    • Enable - to enable the panel;
    • Toggle Key - the key to show\hide the panel;
    • Movable Panel - if toggled, you will be able to move the panel with the arrow keys;
    • Box Size - the panel size;
  • Skill Panel - the skill panel settings:
    • Enable - to enable the panel;
    • Box Size - the panel size;
    • Movable Panel - if toggled, you will be able to move the panel with the arrow keys;
  • Auto Switch to Dynamic Mode - automatically switches to dynamic mode when the chosen combo has been performed;
  • Custom Combo - you are provided with three slots where you can build your own combo and then use it in the combo panel;
  • Dynamic Order Priority - here you can edit the order of dynamic mode skills(if 0 then won't be used)
  • Ghost Walk Key - instantly cast Ghost Walk and sets WWW spheres before using it;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Eul - use Eul in combo;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Eul - use Eul in combo;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Safe Radius for Blink - the distance that your hero will keep when blinking to an enemy hero;
  • Use Mana Drain to Break Linken - will use Mana Drain to break\pop Linken Sphere;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Combo Only When Duel Ready - when enabled, combo will only be performed when Duel is ready to use;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Use Refresher - use Refresher Orb in combo;
  • Auto Usage- automatic spell usage options:
    • Auto Death Pulse- automatic Death Pulse usage options:
      • Enabled - to enable the feature;
      • Minimum Creeps to Use Death Pulse - min creeps around to use;
      • Minimum Heroes to Use Death Pulse - min enemies around to use;
    • Auto Reaper's Scythe- automatic Ulti usage options:
      • Enable Auto Scythe w/o Items Usage - if can kill with Ulti;
      • Enable Auto Scythe w/ Items Usage - if can kill with Items + Ulti;
  • Use Death Pulse in Combo - use Q spell in combo;
  • Skill Picker Toggle Key - the key to call the skill picker;
  • Steal on Bind - will steal skills only when a specific bind is pressed;
  • Steal Bind - the bind to steak skills;
  • Steal Lower priority spell if current CD > than: (no steal lower priority spells);
Skill Picker Options
  • Auto Raze Key - when pressed, will use Raze if an enemy is in radius of ShadowRaze(s);
  • Draw Raze Position - shows Razes Range;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Harass Key - the key to harass an enemy with Q spell;
  • Concussive Shot FailSwitch - prevents W being casted when no targets around;
  • Use Arcane Bolt to Break Linken - use Q to break\pop Linken;
  • Use Ancient Seal to Break Linken - use E to break\pop Linken;
  • Check for EZ kill - don't use Ulti if can easily kill w/ out it;
  • EZ kill Toggle Key - the key to quickly toggle the mod above;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Use SoulRing;
  • Cast Skills with Pugna`s Ward Effect - cast under the effect of Pugna's ward;
  • Cast Skills in BladeMail Without Magic Immune - cast in heroes under the BM effect;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Spam Rockets Key - hold the key to spawn w/ Rockets;
  • Rocket and Rearm failswitch - won't let you cast Rockets if there are no targets in range, as well as won't let you use Rearm if there are no items on CD;
  • Blink Style- Blink usage style:
    • No use Blink - Blink usage is disabled;
    • Blink Safe Position - will keep the distance you specify here;
    • Cursor Position - use Blink on the cursor position;
  • Auto Use SoulRing Before Rearm:
    • SoulRing Usage HP Threshold - won't use SoulRing if HP is lower than the threshold value;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Pick teammates to the snowball;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Draw when you can shackle - shows an indicator above the enemy telling if you can shackle him;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Blink-Branch combo - if there is no target to shackle with, will use Branch in combo;
  • Use Wraithfire Blast - uses stuuun!

Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Subscriber: DotA 2
Со стаем сегодня что то непонятное происходило. только один сил бросался на комбо кнопку :с
Кодер, что пишет арка, пожалуйста, допилите автопуш, мъёльнир на атакуемого крипа было бы чудесно)
Why is Arc Warden removed from Kaio?
That was the only reason I upgraded my account.
Почему Arc Warden удален из Kaio?
Это была единственная причина, по которой я обновил свой аккаунт.
hi, they removed KAIO in last update but I still need this script for Orbattack and Mars combo
is there a file that contains the script so I manually download and copy to umbrella folder to bring it back?
为什么 Arc Warden 会从 Kaio 中删除?
Почему Arc Warden удален из Kaio?
Это была единственная причина, по которой я обновил свой аккаунт.


Subscriber: DotA 2
This script supports the following heroes:
  • Anti-mage
  • Arc Warden
  • Beastmaster
  • Bristleback
  • Centaur
  • Chaos Knight
  • Clinkz
  • Doom
  • Dragon Knight
  • Drow Ranger
  • Ember Spirit
  • Enigma
  • Invoker
  • Leshrac
  • LifeStealer
  • Lina
  • Lion
  • Legion Commander
  • Magnus
  • Mars
  • Necrophos
  • Night Stalker
  • Oracle
  • Pudge
  • Riki
  • Rubick
  • Shadow Fiend
  • SkyWrath Mage
  • Slardar
  • Slark
  • TimberSaw
  • Tinker
  • Tiny
  • Tusk
  • Ursa
  • Void Spirit
  • Viper
  • Windranger
  • Wraith King!
  • Wisp(IO)
  • The rest heroes - orbwalking and item usage modules will work for them.
The Description of the General Tab:
  • Enable Script - to enable\disable script;
  • Current Hero - here you'll find settings for the hero you are playing on RIGHT NOW;
    • Enable - to enable\disable script for a certain hero;
    • Combo Key - the key to start comboing;
  • Targeting- target acquisition settings:
    • Style - acquisition type:
      • Locked Target - locks the target until you release the combo key;
      • Free Target - you can switch between targets by moving the cursor to another one;
    • Target Particle- target indication;
      • None - indication disabled;
      • Tower Agro - use Tower Agro indicator;
    • Closest to Mouse Range(100-1500) - target acquisition range;
    • Move to Cursor Pos - your hero will follow the cursor while holding the combo key if there is no target around;
    • Exceptions- conditions under which combo won't work:
      • Heroes with Blademail Effect;
      • Heroes with Lotus Orb Effect;
      • Antimage with Aghanim Scepter;
  • Orb Walker- attack control module:
    • Enable - to enable\disable module;
    • Offset - time\range between steps while moving and attacking;
    • Style- attack control style:
      • Orbwalk to Enemy - walks directly to enemy when attacking;
      • Orbwalk to Mouse - walks to enemy but takes into account your mouse position;
    • Settings- settings for the modules listed above:
      • Minimum Distance - module will start autoattacking without kiting etc when reaches the specified distance;
      • Kiting - strafing while attacking enemy;
      • Keep distance - will keep the specified distance;
      • Orbwalk - choose heroes module will apply to:
        • Only with ranged heroes;
        • With any hero;
      • Hold distance - the distance from your hero to the cursor to start moving with orbwalker;
      • Keep distance - will keep the specified distance;
  • Item usage- items usage module:
    • Offensive Items- the tems to use when comboing;
      • Blink Usage- :
        • Disable - won't use blink in combo
        • Blink to Best\Safe Position - will blink to the enemy keeping the distance you set; (Chose this for Enigma)
        • Blink to Cursor Position - will blink to the cursor position;
      • Blink Safe Distance - set the distance here(if you've chosen Blink to Safe Position);
      • Minimum Distance to Use Blink - the min distance to enemy to use Blink;
    • Linken Breaker Items - the items to beak\pop Linker;
    • Utility Items- the items for non-combo usage:
      • Hand of Midas- auto Midas usage:
        • Minimum Creep BountyXP to Use Midas - minimum XP bounty to midas the creep;
        • NOTICE: you can set it to 0 but the script will still be trying to midas the biggest creep in range;
      • HP Percent Threshold to use Magic Stick\Wand;
      • HP Percent Threshold to use Faerie Fire;
Features description:
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Clone Combo Key - the key for clone comboing;
  • Clone Push Key - the key to start combing ob Tempest(Clone);
  • Minimum Range to Use Travel Boots - minimum distance to an enemy creep to use Travel Boots in push mode;
  • Info Panel- the Info Panel settings:
    • Enable - enable(show) the panel;
    • Movable - if enabled, you can move the panel with arrow keys;
  • Spam Spark Wraith Key - the key to set the spot to spam Sparks there;
  • Double Magnetic Field Mode- DMF mode settings:
    • Enable - enable the mod;
    • Shared Point Radius;
    • Minimum Heroes to use Double Filed;
Info Panel settings:
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Auto Chains After Fist Modifier - auto Chains usage after Fist;
  • Skill Usage - abilities to use in combo:
  • Use refresh - will use refresher in combo;
  • Set Blink Usage in Item Usage tab!
  • Enable - to enable\disable the script;
  • Combo Key - he key to start combing;
  • Auto Precast Skills- precast combo skills settings:
    • Precast Skills w/o bind - automatically precast skills after choosing a combo;
    • Precast Key - the key to precast skill for the selected combo;
  • Skill Interrupt- interrupt channeling spells options:
    • Enable - to enable the feature;
    • Auto Cancel TP in fog - to cancel TP even in the fog of war;
  • Use cataclysm instead of sunstrike;
  • Use Blink - enables Blink usage;
  • Use Items before ;
  • Auto SunStrike- auto SS options:
    • On Stunned Enemies- the options for stunned enemies:
      • Enable - always enabled;
      • Only if lethal;
      • Disable;
    • On TPingEnemies- the options for TPing enemies:
      • Enable - always enabled;
      • Only if Visible & Lethal;
      • Disable;
    • If Rosh is under Attack - casts SS on Rosh pit when enemies are roshing;
  • Combo Panel- the combo panel settings:
    • Enable - to enable the panel;
    • Toggle Key - the key to show\hide the panel;
    • Movable Panel - if toggled, you will be able to move the panel with the arrow keys;
    • Box Size - the panel size;
  • Skill Panel - the skill panel settings:
    • Enable - to enable the panel;
    • Box Size - the panel size;
    • Movable Panel - if toggled, you will be able to move the panel with the arrow keys;
  • Auto Switch to Dynamic Mode - automatically switches to dynamic mode when the chosen combo has been performed;
  • Custom Combo - you are provided with three slots where you can build your own combo and then use it in the combo panel;
  • Dynamic Order Priority - here you can edit the order of dynamic mode skills(if 0 then won't be used)
  • Ghost Walk Key - instantly cast Ghost Walk and sets WWW spheres before using it;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Eul - use Eul in combo;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Eul - use Eul in combo;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Safe Radius for Blink - the distance that your hero will keep when blinking to an enemy hero;
  • Use Mana Drain to Break Linken - will use Mana Drain to break\pop Linken Sphere;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Combo Only When Duel Ready - when enabled, combo will only be performed when Duel is ready to use;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Use Refresher - use Refresher Orb in combo;
  • Auto Usage- automatic spell usage options:
    • Auto Death Pulse- automatic Death Pulse usage options:
      • Enabled - to enable the feature;
      • Minimum Creeps to Use Death Pulse - min creeps around to use;
      • Minimum Heroes to Use Death Pulse - min enemies around to use;
    • Auto Reaper's Scythe- automatic Ulti usage options:
      • Enable Auto Scythe w/o Items Usage - if can kill with Ulti;
      • Enable Auto Scythe w/ Items Usage - if can kill with Items + Ulti;
  • Use Death Pulse in Combo - use Q spell in combo;
  • Skill Picker Toggle Key - the key to call the skill picker;
  • Steal on Bind - will steal skills only when a specific bind is pressed;
  • Steal Bind - the bind to steak skills;
  • Steal Lower priority spell if current CD > than: (no steal lower priority spells);
Skill Picker Options
  • Auto Raze Key - when pressed, will use Raze if an enemy is in radius of ShadowRaze(s);
  • Draw Raze Position - shows Razes Range;
  • Use Items Before Eul;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Harass Key - the key to harass an enemy with Q spell;
  • Concussive Shot FailSwitch - prevents W being casted when no targets around;
  • Use Arcane Bolt to Break Linken - use Q to break\pop Linken;
  • Use Ancient Seal to Break Linken - use E to break\pop Linken;
  • Check for EZ kill - don't use Ulti if can easily kill w/ out it;
  • EZ kill Toggle Key - the key to quickly toggle the mod above;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Use SoulRing;
  • Cast Skills with Pugna`s Ward Effect - cast under the effect of Pugna's ward;
  • Cast Skills in BladeMail Without Magic Immune - cast in heroes under the BM effect;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Spam Rockets Key - hold the key to spawn w/ Rockets;
  • Rocket and Rearm failswitch - won't let you cast Rockets if there are no targets in range, as well as won't let you use Rearm if there are no items on CD;
  • Blink Style- Blink usage style:
    • No use Blink - Blink usage is disabled;
    • Blink Safe Position - will keep the distance you specify here;
    • Cursor Position - use Blink on the cursor position;
  • Auto Use SoulRing Before Rearm:
    • SoulRing Usage HP Threshold - won't use SoulRing if HP is lower than the threshold value;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Pick teammates to the snowball;
  • Skills Usage - skills to use in combo;
  • Draw when you can shackle - shows an indicator above the enemy telling if you can shackle him;
  • Use Blink - use Blink Dagger in combo;
  • Blink-Branch combo - if there is no target to shackle with, will use Branch in combo;
  • Use Wraithfire Blast - uses stuuun!

Installation: you don't need to install anything, just select the script in the "private scripts" tab in the loader!
у меня почему то его нету, тупо нету, в поиск вбиваю нету, где его включить или как то так, и прайват скриптс тоже нету...